With marketing hype and valuable information both clamoring equally for your attention, you may have several questions regarding diet teas. Are diet teas safe to drink? What is the best Chinese diet tea to lose weight? Lastly, how do diet teas work?
This article will deal with the last question to help give you a better understanding of how some diet teas work to help you lose weight.
Diet teas work a variety of ways. Even the popular “Chinese” diet teas function differently depending on the ingredients used to create the herbal blend. However, they all still operate with the objective of helping you to lose weight fast. That said let’s look at Chinese diet teas first to see how they generally approach helping you with weight loss.
Many of the best-selling Chinese diet teas contain some form of laxative. Often the primary laxative ingredient is the herb Senna (Cassia Angustifolia) even though you may find other ingredients included in the herbal weight-loss tea blend. The stimulant laxative used in the diet tea helps you to eliminate waste by inducing your lower intestines to purge and it helps to soften hard stools. Aside from Senna, you may also find Rhubarb or Malva Verticellata as both are popular active ingredients in diet tea. These types of diet teas generally advertise themselves as containing no caffeine and are very popular for their effectiveness.
There is concern regarding these types of dieting teas because many people have abused them in a rush to achieve their weight loss goals. As a result, different governmental bodies have considered stronger regulation regarding slimming teas that use laxatives as their active ingredient. That said like just about everything else, follow the directions for the tea you use and don’t abuse it. Look to incorporate diet tea as a short-term help that is a part of your overall lifestyle, health and wellness plan.
Other types of diet teas take advantage of the stimulating effects of caffeine or other naturally occurring substances that may aide in weight loss. The belief is that caffeine serves as both an appetite suppressant and an agent that speeds your metabolism. In addition, there is the idea that the diuretic effects of caffeine help you to lose water weight. These teas often use natural sources of caffeine from herbs within their proprietary blends.
In addition to caffeine, the popular oolong tea, black tea, white tea and even green tea blends contain herbs that have natural compounds (phenols, polyphenols and others) that increase your metabolic rate with the goal to help you burn more calories while your body is at rest. Quite often, the plant used to help aid in this process is Camellia Sinensis as essentially all teas made from this plant contain some level of the various compounds or substances suggested to help in weight loss.
Now you know the basic ways diet teas work to help you lose weight. Chinese diet teas generally work as laxatives to help you eliminate excess waste from your system. Other weight loss teas use stimulating herbs with caffeine or other natural compounds to increase your metabolism with the goal to help you burn calories.
With this information, you can make a better choice when you buy diet tea.
Use it to your advantage and make your weight loss goals a reality.