Are You Ready to Know the Secrets of How to Set Weight Loss Goals that work?

Picture yourself with the body you want. See your figure exactly as you want to look. Your clothes fit well and you look beautiful in just about everything you wear. Clothes flatter you and you get compliments all the time. Your self-confidence and self-esteem is higher than ever and more importantly you are happy with yourself and your results.  If you can see it, you can make it true.

However, this article on weight loss goals is not about using diet visualization techniques to lose weight, even though you being able to see your goals as possible before they become a reality is important. Before a technique like visualization can begin to work there is something else you must do before you make progress. You must stop listening to lies and half truths about weight loss.

The cold, hard truth is… yes diet pills work (and some of them work really fast), of course you can do surgery (but at what cost) and some people can actually eat pizza and lose weight. Marketers present information in such a way that you’ll believe just about every word they say. You have to. If they didn’t effectively persuade you, they would be out of a job. In fact despite what marketers say or even don’t say, just about EVERYTHING works. The degree to which a product or methods works though is not up to them or the companies they represent. IT IS UP TO YOU.

Without a doubt, a key ingredient to your success is your ability to stay committed for the duration in order to see the results you want.  You have to stick to the meal plan, you have to exercise consistently AND with the intensity that will produce weight loss, you have to drink the juice or the tea, you have to take the pills as directed, you have to do the things required over the long haul. You have to do the work. No matter how easy or simple the work is, you have to do it. And while you do it, you can’t do the opposite. It is okay to fall and stumble, BUT you have to get back up and continue forward until you get the results you want. The results you long for. The results in your dreams.

You’ll be glad you did. The body you want, you will have it. As a bonus, you’ll be tougher mentally too. You will have more discipline, more will power, more determination, more focus, more resolve and more ability. When it is all said and done, you will not only change your body for the better, you will change your life for the better. One day you will find yourself eating breakfast, finishing a set of squats, or maybe enjoying the evening with your friends and realize you’re living the life of your dreams.

You deserve happiness and fulfillment in every area of your life IF you do the work required to have it. Life is meant for enjoyment. Your health and physical well-being is part of that. If you are in a place where your weight does not fit the “you” that you have in your heart and mind, there are some changes you have to make, mentally and physically. This is the secret of how to set weight loss goals.

Accepting AND acting appropriately when you hear or otherwise receive information. You don’t “know” something until you effectively demonstrate actions that reveal what you know. Knowing is not hearing something or becoming aware of something. Knowing is doing. Knowing you have to lose weight is NOT stepping on the scale and being unhappy with the numbers that stare back at you. Knowing you have to lose weight is looking at those numbers and then ACTING in response to get the numbers you want to see.

It is not just about saying you want to lose weight. Everybody does that. It is about the vision you have of yourself in the future and you using proven methods to take you step-by-step until you drop to the weight you want and achieve the body of your dreams.

Weight loss, even if you want to lose a few pounds is a large goal. When you want to reach large goals, you first must break them down into manageable pieces that you can realize over time. The attempt to lose 50lbs in two months often results in 6lbs gained in 4. Allow yourself the time to see the results you want by being reasonable about your situation.

Your weight loss is yours and not another person.

Only compare yourself to you.

As long as you continue forward consistently with how you’ve chosen to lose weight, over time YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. More importantly, you will see the results you want. If working out is part of your process, watching other people in the gym and having mental competitions can rob the joy from your personal victory. Don’t cheat yourself. Compete with the person in the mirror.

However, when done properly, looking to others for motivation and inspiration on the other hand is good and encouraged. Although, keep in mind that you do not know a person’s story simply by looking at them and quite often there is more than what you interpret or become aware of even if they tell you.

Writing your goals down, creating vision boards, making journals and marking your steps forward consistently all serve as great tools help you lose weight. However, what you eat is a big part of you achieving your goals. If you can’t quit certain foods cold-turkey piece meal them away.

Additionally, be careful of making large public declarations that sound impressive but having no strength to complete them. While your initial intent may be good, without the know-how or support system this only helps to undermine you goals and often digs you into deep emotional holes.

Take smaller victories and celebrate them.

You do this consistently and it will become routine. The great part is you will further build your confidence and reach for bigger goals. Over time, you will cross the finish line and achieve what you set out to do. I did.

I looked up and I was one-hundred pounds lighter. That’s right, 100lbs.

With the right tools, attitude and actions, you can reach your goals too.

Thanks for reading. Share this to motivate and help others.

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